Anti-colonial community planning and ethical space
Urban planning professionals, City of Lethbridge planner Perry Stein argues, have long been complicit in the colonial project - by developing and implementing policies and practices that have led to the removal Indigenous people from their land; the segregation of communities by race and income; the erasure of Indigenous values, languages and history from urban spaces; and the failure of cities to meet the needs of urban Indigenous populations. Acknowledging this, Stein discusses concepts and approaches that all professionals can apply to change course - to manifest truth and reconciliation through the planning, design and management of cities that honor and reflect both tangible and intangible Indigenous cultural heritage.

Recognition, justice and development: the promise of Black diplomacy and the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent
Candies Kotchapaw, founder of DYLOTT and the Black Diplomats Academy, discusses the legacy of the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent and the significance of the establishment of the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent in supporting ongoing action to recognize and protect the human rights of Black peoples globally. Read the article.

Guardians of our knowledge
In this article Cody Groat reflects on this history of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme and its mandate to safeguard and promote documentary heritage, exploring how the Canadian Advisory Committee has approached its work to ensure the recognition of Indigenous forms of documentary heritage.

Land as teacher: understanding Indigenous land-based education
What is Indigenous land-based education and what is it not? Four Indigenous voices from across the country share their insights on what it means to them, why it's important for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Peoples, and how it can support reconciliation efforts in Canada.

Reconciliation and Global Citizenship Education in Canada
Through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) process, Canada’s residential school Survivors identified education about the experiences and legacy of residential schools as their highest priority. In this article, Charlene Bearhead reflects on reconciliation education in practice - what it means to teach Canadians to value truth, accept responsibility, and take action.

Art for our sake: creativity and humanity in the African diaspora
For people from Afro-diasporic communities, artistic spaces have always been places of self-expression, community and well-being. Mark V. Campbell explains the tensions that exist within a cultural system that is exploitative and unresponsive to the historical realities of Black creatives.

Community radio: the eternal springtime of radiobroadcasting
More than 100 years ago on May 20, 1920, radio broadcasting began in Canada. Boris Chassagne, director of 60 Secondes Radio, discusses the importance of this mode of communication.

Montreal, landscapes and lockdown
This article, written by Philippe Poullaouec-Gonidec, studies the consequences of the health measures and restrictions imposed during the Spring 2020 COVID-19 lockdown in Montreal. The impacts on certain urban spaces are exposed.

Growing threats to media freedom: democracy under assault
Maria Ressa, co-founder, Executive Editor and CEO of Rappler calls for readers to educate themselves and demand accountability from social media platforms and governments.

A Sense of Belonging: To what? And on whose terms?
In this article, author David Divine explores the complexities of belonging, particularly in relation to Black communities in Canada. Who defines acceptance, and why do we seek to belong? These questions and answers are explored drawing on a sociological exploration of inclusion and broader meanings of belonging.

Education and COVID-19: challenges and opportunities
The UNESCO Chair in Curriculum Development explores the challenges and opportunities created by the COVID-19 crisis for education stakeholders in terms of curricula, school environments, students and teachers.