Biosphere Reserves Network
Join the Network
Members of the Biosphere Reserves Network have a unique opportunity to promote an area and strengthen its connection with its natural environment. By effecting change and enhancing sustainable development practices, biosphere reserves educate, build public awareness, develop sustainable tourism activities, ensure the sustainability of natural resources and mitigate the negative impact of climate and environmental change. Their model solutions have a global reach. Join the Network to create a better and more sustainable future for all communities.

How to join the Network
- To apply for Biosphere Reserve status, complete the Biosphere Reserve Nomination Form or the Nomination Form for Transboundary Biosphere Reserve
- Periodic Review for Biosphere Reserve
- The International Advisory Committee for Biosphere Reserves (IACBR) will review the biosphere reserve nominations received and make recommendations to the International Coordinating Council (ICC).
- The ICC will make its decisions and the Director General of UNESCO will notify the State concerned.